
M181. Consolidation by using Virtualization

1. Tema proiectului

Folosirea virtualizarii creste flexibilitarea desfasurarii si a administrarii ciclului de viata al aplicatiilor. Profesionalistii IT folosesc aceasta tehnologie pentru a-si consolida munca si pentru a reduce durata de lucru a serverelor. In plus, ei folosesc virtualizarea cu tehnologii de cluster pentru a furniza o infrastructura IT robusta viabila, cu recuperare rapida in caz de dezastru.
Proiectul urmareste determinarea celei mai bune solutii de virtualizare pentru o retea de calculatoare. Alte aspecte importante urmarite in cadrul acestui proiect sunt analiza potentialelor amenintari asupra securitatii retelei si recuperarea in caz de dezastre.
Printre solutiile de virtualizare testate se numara VMWare, Hyper-V si Citrix XenServer.

2. Obiective

Proiectul va incepe prin crearea unei infrastructuri IT a retelei de testare. In cadrul acestei infrastructuri un rol foarte important il vor avea pozitionarea serverului de virtualizare si serviciile disponibile in retea. Se va monitoriza functionalitatea retelei si a serviciilor de retea implementate pentru fiecare solutie de virtualizare in parte.
In urma implementarii anumitor scenarii se va determina fiabilitatea fiecarui tip de virtualizare. Punctele cele mai importante urmarite de acest proiect:

  • crearea unor scripturi pentru testarea solutiei de virtualizare
  • implementarea diferitelor servicii de retea
  • monitorizarea resurselor folosite de catre solutia de virtualizare
  • sistemul va trebui sa realizeze si logarea comportamentului echipamentelor
3. Bibliografie


4. Detalii de desfasurare
  • coordonator proiect: conf. dr. ing. Razvan Rughinis
  • implementare: Andreea Dragomir
  • cunostinte necesare: virtualizare, administrarea serverelor
  • sala: EG106b
  • program: 6 ore pe saptamana, doua semestre
5. Rezultatele primului semestru

A Practical Analysis of Hiper-V Virtualization Platform

Although Hyper-V Server 2008 is 64-bit software and can be installed only on 64-bit systems that have Intel VT or AMD-V virtualization acceleration technologies enabled, the  guest operating systems can be either 32-bit or 64-bit. Hyper-V can support either Windows or Linux operating systems.

A very useful tool of Hyper-V is controlling the state of a machine. By using snapshots, if a virtual machine is down, we can stop the virtual machine and apply a past snapshot, and the virtual machine is right back on.

Another positive feature is that Hyper-V offers a variety of networking options and configurations to meet different network requirements.

On the other side, although Hyper-V is a free product, it must be installed with Windows Server 2008, for which you must have a license. Also, each of the virtual machines must have licenses.

Although Hyper-V Server 2008 is 64-bit software and can be installed only on 64-bitsystems that have Intel VT or AMD-V virtualization acceleration technologies enabled, theguest operating systems can be either 32-bit or 64-bit.

Hyper-V can support either Windowsor Linux operating systems.A very useful tool of Hyper-V is controlling the state of a machine. By usingsnapshots, if a virtual machine is down, we can stop the virtual machine and apply a pastsnapshot, and the virtual machine is right back on.Another positive feature is that Hyper-V offers a variety of networking options andconfigurations to meet different network requirements.On the other side, although Hyper-V is a free product, it must be installed withWindows Server 2008, for which you must have a license. Also, each of the virtual machinesmust have licenses.