M191. Deploying a Secure Architecture in WeLearn Collaborative Learning Environment

1. Tema proiectului

WeLearn este un mediu personal de invatare online, ce implementeaza facilitati de agregare, organizare si colaborare pe baza continutului informational. Arhitectura actuala este construita pe trei niveluri:

  • WLC Aplicatia Client – interfata cu utilizatorul final
  • WLS – un nivel distribuit de servere ce asigura stocarea informatiei
  • WLCD – serverul central de director care asigura executarea operatiunilor globale precum autentificarea, indexarea informatiilor, prelucrarea metadatelor

Platforma este construita pe baza WL Kernel – o componenta software dezvoltata deasupra Zend Framework, PHP, MySQL, SOAP, SVN, OpenSSL, VM. Interfata client este dezvoltata in Flex ca aplicatie Adobe AIR integrand facilitati Desktop prin Merapi.

2. Obiective

Proiectul va trebui sa urmareasca extinderea componentelor software ale platformei astfel incat sa fie satisfacute urmatoarele cerinte:

  • Implementarea unei solutii integrate de securitate prin extinderea infrastructuri PKI end-to-end
  • Dezvoltarea sistemului de logging si alertare existent pentru stocarea informatiilor in baze de date si generarea de rapoarte si alerte
  • Scalarea WLCD intr-o implementare reala pe cloud (EC3, etc)
  • Integrarea cu proiecte cunoscute in industrie: Moodle, Drupal, CNAMS
  • Dezvoltarea unui motor de analiza comportamentala
  • Sugerarea de continut preferential
  • Extinderea functionalitatilor existente (publicare, social networking)
3. Bibliografie

[1] The Personal Learning Environments – Scott Wilson, Prof. Oleg Liber, Mark Johnson, Phil Beauvoir, Paul Sharples &Colin Milligan, University of Bolton
[2] Social Computing Enabled (Social Networking, Social Filtering, Social Development) – George Siemens
[3] Learning Design (concept of learning by means of a sequence of activities)-
[4] Creating, Sharing and re-using e-learning content – Recommendation to the EU – by Dr. Michelle Sellinger, Cisco Systems, UK

4. Detalii de desfasurare
  • coordonartor proiect: conf. dr. ing. Razvan Rughinis
  • echipa: Cristian Sandescu, Bogdan Doinea
  • cunostinte necesare: web programming, securitate
  • sala: EG106b
  • program: 6 ore pe saptamana, doua semestre
5. Rezultatele primului semestru

The WeLearn Distributed Content Management System

The WeLearn Platform is now at its first prototype, and the next step is to evaluate it in a real‑life environment. The evaluation will be done by Cisco Netacad students and teachers, and will allow a close analysis of the way they interact with the system and with each other through the platform. The feedback provided by participants will be processed and the evaluation will be followed by bug fixing and further development of features based on a SWOT analysis.

There are several features that would improve the current concept, which could not be included in the first major release. One of these is extending the Central Directory to store more detailed profile information, so that the users will be able to login to WeLearn from any computer and see their personal library of content. This way the users will not be constrained to use a single PC for managing content, or to search for their content each time they switch to a different computer. The stored profile details can also contain information about the interface settings, so the users will get the same experience anywhere.

Also, a web interface that will allow the administrator to set certain parameters on the store and to ban users and items will be an important part of making the application functional over large infrastructures.

Furthermore, store registration to the Central Directory is the only missing link in the implemented authentication chain. In future versions, a store will not be browseable or searchable until that specific store is authenticated to the CD. This will be achieved by generating a pair of keys for each Store and by exchanging public keys with the Central Directory.