Diploma Project Proposals 2012

Students can apply for one of the projects or propose a new project by sending an email to research@systems.cs.pub.ro using the tag [diploma] in the Subject of the email. The email must contain the CV of the student.

Diploma projects in Ixlabs are posted here.

Secure Aggregation in WSN

  1. Project theme: This project consists in developing a secure data aggregation mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks.
  2. Objectives
    • Investigate existent data aggregation solutions for sensor networks
    • Investigate attacks that target data aggregation in sensor networks
    • Investigate mechanisms that provide secure data aggregation for sensor networks
    • Design an improved secure data aggregation mechanism for sensor networks
    • Implement the designed mechanism in TinyOS, an operating system for low-power devices
    • Evaluate the functionality and efficiency of the implemented mechanism
  3. Prerequisites: networking, C language
  4. Duration: 1 semester
  5. Team: 1-2 student

Secure Routing in WSN

  1. Project theme: This project aims to develop a solution that assures secure routing in sensor networks.
  2. Objectives
    • Investigate current routing protocols for sensor networks
    • Investigate malicious attacks against routing protocols
    • Investigate existing solutions for securing routing in sensor networks
    • Design an improved and energy-efficient solution for assuring securing routing in sensor networks
    • Implement the designed security solution in TinyOS, an operating system for low-power devices
    • Evaluate the performance and energy-efficiency of the developed security solution
  3. Prerequisites: networking, security, C language
  4. Duration: 1 semester
  5. Team: 1-2 students

Securing Heterogeneous WSN

  1. Project theme: This project consists in implementing a security scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks.
  2. Objectives
    • Investigate types of hardware platforms that can be used in heterogeneous sensor networks
    • Investigate malicious attacks against sensor networks
    • Investigate existing schemes for securing sensor networks
    • Design an improved and energy-efficient solution for securing heterogeneous sensor networks
    • Implement the designed security scheme in TinyOS, an operating system for low-power devices
    • Evaluate the performance and energy-efficiency of the developed security scheme
  3. Prerequisites: networking, security, C language
  4. Duration: 1 semester
  5. Team: 1-2 students

Hierarchical mailing lists

  1. Project theme: implement a system that allows using and managing a hierarchy of mailing lists
  2. Project Coordinator: Mircea Bardac
  3. Objectives:
    • identify and evaluate solutions for managing programmatically the mailing lists in mailman
    • design and develop a frontend for specifying the hierarchy of mailing lists
    • design and develop an API for programmatically changing the hierarchy of mailing lists
    • design an access list based mechanism for publishing information through hierarchical mailing lists
  4. Prerequisites: Python
  5. Duration: 1 semester
  6. Team: 1-2 members

BitTorrent-based Content Publishing System

  1. Project theme: implement a solution for managing the content publishing process using a BitTorrent Peer-to-Peer network
  2. Project Coordinator: Mircea Bardac
  3. Objectives:
    • evaluate existing implementations of Content Publishing Systems and Content Delivery Networks
    • design and develop a framework for managing content served within a BitTorrent Peer-to-Peer network
    • design and develop an infrastructure for monitoring the replication/usage/status of each peer in the Content Publishing System
    • design and implement an authentication solution for restricting access to the served content
    • evaluate multiple algorithms for adjusting the replication factor or content locality based on the usage of the system
  4. Prerequisites: Python, Networking, C/C++
  5. Duration: 1 semester
  6. Team: 1-2 members

Enabling Generic Sensor Support for Android devices

  1. Project theme: implement a simple framework and an API for communicating with external ATmega devices over existing Android connectors
  2. Project Coordinator: Mircea Bardac
  3. Objectives:
    • evaluate existing projects for interfacing physically with external devices
    • design and built a prototype sensor that interfaces with the Android device
    • design, develop and test framework and an API for communicating with the sensor
  4. Prerequisites:  Java & C (embedded), embedded hardware
  5. Duration: 1 semester
  6. Team: 1-2 members

Linux Services Access Auditing Tool

  1. Project theme: implement a solution for tracking down the actions of a user across multiple Linux services and hosts
  2. Project Coordinator: Mircea Bardac
  3. Objectives:
    • design and develop a framework for extracting user tracking information from access logs for several services (apache, postfix, ssh etc.)
    • design, develop and evaluate algorithms for linking user activity across services
    • design and implement a reporting solution that, based on a given query about a user and using the stored information, produces a access audit report of all user actions
  4. Prerequisites: Shell scripting/Python, Linux Services
  5. Duration: 1 semester
  6. Team: 1-2 members

Geospatial Indexing for Contextual Classification

  1. Project theme: implement a generic solution for managing contextual information using a geospatial index
  2. Project Coordinator: Mircea Bardac
  3. Objectives:
    • evaluate storage solutions for contextual information and geospatial indexes
    • design, evaluate and implement algorithms for encoding contextual information into two-dimensional geospatial indexes
    • design, develop and implement a solution for storing and querying contextual information from a geospatial index
  4. Prerequisites: Python
  5. Duration: 1 semester
  6. Team: 1-2 members

Extracting University Alumni Information from Social Networks

  1. Project theme: implement a solution for extracting and visualizing alumni information from Social Networking Sites
  2. Project Coordinator: Mircea Bardac
  3. Objectives:
    • evaluate current alumni management solutions
    • design, develop and test a crawler that extracts alumni information about the university students from existing Social Networking sites
    • design, develop and test a web interface for visualizing, searching and managing alumni information
  4. Duration: 1 semester
  5. Prerequisites: Python/Django, HTML+CSS
  6. Team: 1 member


Administration solution for personal and academic information of university students

  1. Project theme: This project consists in developing a solution for the secure and stable administration of information concerning university students, such as personal information, grades, financial situation, and other data.
  2. Objectives:
    • Investigate current secretary practices and IT tools for managing student information
    • Identification of the main types of information that have to be included to generate a student profile
    • Identification of the main challenges for successful functioning, including: organizational procedure, personel training, security threats
    • Solution design and development: architecture, role, scale, functionalities
    • Performance evaluation of the designed solution
  3. Prerequisites:
    • Win32 Network programming, Python, C.
    • C and Web technologies: Python-Django (preferable), basic HTML, CSS și Javascript
  4. Duration: 1 semester
  5. Team: 1-2 members

miriaPOD: A distributed Solution for Virtual Network Topologies Management

  1. Project theme: This project consists in developing an application which provides an easy to use graphical topology editor that relies on a broker service to deploy virtual network nodes on multiple machines.
  2. Objectives:
    • Integration possibilities with the Moodle platform.
    • Develop of an algorithm for assessing migration on the hardware devices.
  3. Prerequisites:
    • Basic knowledge of networking.
    • C, python and web developing (php/html).
  4. Duration: 1-2 semesters
  5. Team: 1 member

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