Students can apply for one of the projects or propose a new project by sending an email to using the tag [diploma] in the Subject of the email. The email must contain the CV of the student.
Project proposals 2012
Diploma Thesis
The graduation projects (diploma thesis) must be sent to the project coordinator in pdf format for review no later than 24.06.2012, and uploaded on until 01.07.2012. The thesis must be presented on 09.07.2012.
The thesis can be written in English or Romanian.
The thesis must consider the following templates:
- Microsoft Office template
- LaTeX template (use “snapshot” links)
The presentation must consider the following templates:
- Powerpoint Romanian template
- Powerpoint English template
- OpenOffice Romanian template
- OpenOffice English template
- LaTeX Beamer templates (use “snapshot” links)
The thesis must consider the laws of Copyright and the Ethical Academic Code.
The authors must take full responsibility for data precision, experimental data, scientific statements and paper translation.